I've been using the camera for a couple of days now, and I have to say I'm very pleased with it. It's very handy and easy to use, I especially like the fact that it can go up to three meters underwater. The video quality is also very good in my opinion, especially for a small and relatively cheap camera like this.
So here's my first edited video that I filmed with the camera. It's a very short video consisting of four different clips that I had originally no intention of combining like this. There's no specific message in the video, It's just a creative blend of the clips to form a unified flow. I hope you enjoy it.
Now about creativity, here's a good quote from Francis Schaeffer: "Being in the image of the Creator, we are called upon to have creativity. We never find an aniamal, non-man, making a work of art. On the other hand, we never find men anywhere in the world or in any culture in the world who do not produce art. Creativity is a part of the distinction between man and non-man. All people are to some degree creative. Creativity is intrinsic to our mannishness." (Francis A. Schaeffer, Art And the Bible, pages 51, 52).
So we are creative creatures that have been created by a creative Creator. Therefore we should be creative and reflect the nature of our Creator who created us in His image.
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27, ESV)
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